

We have an extensive list of policies for the Aspire Academy Trust/Mount Hawke Academy.  The policies ensure your child's academic, emotional and physical wellbeing is outstanding at all times.  Below you will find a list of policies the DfE require to be published online, together with some important policies relating to key procedures.

A selection of further policies that may be of interest can be found under Parents/Useful Links & Downloads.

If you aren't able to locate the policy you require, or have a query relating to a school procedure, then please contact the school office.


Please note our exclusion arrangements are detailed in our Managing and Supporting Behaviour Policy.


Equality Statement

Mount Hawke Academy is committed to its Public Sector Equality duties and will endeavour to:

  • Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Act
  • Advance equality of opportunity between all people, regardless of Disability, Sex (gender), Race (ethnicity), Pregnancy and Maternity, Religion and Belief, Sexual Orientation, Transgender, Age or Marriage and Civil Partnership
  • Foster good relations between all people, as above
Please ensure you have read the Aspire Parental Complaints Policy carefully.  It outlines clearly the appropriate steps for making a complaint.
"We have a commitment to safeguard our children". 
We all have a responsibility to act if we are worried about a child. All children have a right to be safe no matter who they are or what their circumstance.
Keeping children safe is everyone's responsibility.
  • The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is: Catherine Biddick

  • The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) is: Claire Jouvenat

  • The name of the Designated Teacher for Children in Care is: Jerry Marks

  • The Single Point of Contact (SPOC) for the Prevent agenda is: Catherine Biddick

  • The Child Sexual Exploitation Lead is: Catherine Biddick

  • The named Safeguarding Governor is: Richard Horswell

Scheme of Publication

Mount Hawke Academy is committed to complying with and implementing the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act (2000) and related legislation. This provides a general entitlement to any person to be able to access information held by the schools, subject to exemptions and conditions laid down by law.

This policy applies to all information held by schools regardless of how it was created or received. It applies irrespective of the media on which the information is stored and whether the information is recorded on paper or held electronically. The Act’s powers are fully retrospective and thus information is accessible no matter how old it may be. Similarly, information in draft form will also be accessible under the Act.

We will offer advice and assistance to anybody wishing to make a request for information.

It should be noted that access to personal information (that is information from which a living individual can be identified) is still governed under the Data Protection Act 2018. Requests for access to such information will be governed in line with the requirements of this legislation.

With the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) now in effect, we would like to inform you that we have updated our privacy notices. 

Mount Hawke Academy
School website design by eSchools. Content provided by Mount Hawke Academy. All rights reserved. 2025