
School Uniform

School uniform plays a vital role in promoting the ethos of a school, providing a sense of belonging and identity and setting an appropriate tone for education.  By creating a common identity amongst all pupils, regardless of background, a school uniform can also act as a social leveller.

The “Education (Guidance about Costs of School Uniforms) Act 2021” states that all stipulated school uniform items must be affordable for all and any branded items, purchased through uniform suppliers, offer value for money.  This statutory guidance came into effect in September 2022. 

The Aspire Uniform Policy, formed in part by parent/pupil voice, ensures each individual uniform offering across the trust is in line with this legislation and helps maintain the balance between affordability and upholding of school ethos and identity.

Our academy colour is royal blue and our uniform consists of:

  • White or blue polo shirt
  • Royal blue sweatshirt or royal blue cardigan (school logo optional)
  • Grey / black school skirt / pinafore dress / school trousers / school shorts (not jeans, leggings, etc)
  • Plain tights or socks - grey / black / white 
  • Flat, black school shoes - not brightly coloured trainers / baseball boots
  • Summer options: Blue and white gingham or striped summer dress or playsuit, plain strapped sandals (no flip-flops or open toes)

PE Kit

  • White or royal blue t-shirt (school logo optional)
  • Black shorts (5 inches minimum length) or plain black or blue jogging bottoms / leggings (no logos)
  • Blue MHA hoodie (optional) or royal blue school sweatshirt
  • Suitable footwear – trainers / plimsolls


Please name EVERYTHING!

Uniform Suppliers

Uniform with the academy logo (optional) - sweatshirts, cardigans, polo shirts & PE kit - is available from two suppliers:

  • Keywear - the shop is at 1 Church Walk, Truro. You can also order online by clicking the link below.
  • My Clothing - order online. For all orders of embroidered uniform, Mount Hawke Academy receives 5% commission. Items are delivered direct to your home address.  

All other items can be bought from a variety of shops and supermarkets at a reasonable price. If you have any difficulties then please contact us for support and guidance. 

General appearance 

Hair styles

If your child has hair longer than shoulder length it must be tied back for school.

Children must not have artificially coloured hair or extreme hair styles such as patterns shaved into their hair. 

Make up

Children should not wear make up, including nail varnish, to school. 


Children may wear small, plain, stud earrings, and a watch (not a smart watch).

We have a good selection of preloved uniform in our reception area and you are welcome to pop in at anytime through the day for this.  Please contact the school directly for more information. 

Mount Hawke Academy
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